Interactive Seating Chart

When viewing inventory for an event, you have the ability to look up tickets while using an Interactive Seating Chart.

When you first select an event, you will see two tabs on the upper right part of the screen that say List View and Interactive Seating Chart.

Click on Interactive Seating Chart this tab should now be light blue.

The right side of the screen will remain the same but there will now be a stadium specific seating chart on the left hand side of the screen. You can now reference seating areas without having to switch between multiple windows.

Now as you navigate the inventory, whenever you stop your cursor on a ticket group it will highlight the respective section on the seating chart. You will also see a photo of the view from that section when available.

You can also use the seating chart to narrow your search by section instead of using the Filter Options. When you click on a section on the seating map, that section will stay highlighted in blue and corresponding ticket groups will be listed on the inventory side of the page.



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